Let it RIP!

Follow the latest news about RIP Eco, our journey and our products.

RIP Eco på NRKs Helgemorgen – Gravskikker i Endring

RIP Eco on NRK's ​​Helgemorgen - Burial customs...

by Inez Bugge

RIP Eco was recently mentioned on NRK's ​​Helgemorgen , where a feature on changing burial customs highlighted our Vannstein memorial. The program highlighted how sustainable solutions affect funeral care, and...

Anerkjennelse for RIP Eco på ASCEs årlige møte

Recognition for RIP Eco at ASCE's Annual Meeting

by Inez Bugge

RIP Eco gained international recognition when we were invited to present our sustainable solutions during the annual meeting of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (ASCE) on 30 May....

RIP Eco samarbeider med Oslo Kommune om Smart Oslos "Vannskrekk 2030"-Initiativ

RIP Eco collaborates with Oslo Municipality on ...

by Inez Bugge

RIP Eco has received funding and has been selected as part of Oslo Municipality's innovative Vannskrekk 2030 project under Smart Oslo. Our collaboration with the Cemetery Authority focuses on reducing...

Rip Eco mottar støtte fra Innovasjon Norge for markedsavklaring

Rip Eco receives support from Innovation Norway...

by Inez Bugge

Rip Eco has received NOK 100,000 in support from Innovation Norway to test the market for its sustainable gravestone, Vannstein. With FeedbackFrog, they conducted twelve in-depth interviews with potential users...