We are looking for dealers and partners

We have realized that funeral consultants are not only among the most warm-hearted people on the planet, but also the key to reaching modern tombstone customers.

Are you a forward-looking, humane- and environmentally friendly funeral consultant? Contact us to discuss, or order your demo version of Vannstein today.


Order a full size demo unit of Vannstein to show off. 50% discount during Grav Norden : NOK 8,000 + VAT.


Order a model in 1:3 scale for use during presentations in meetings with customers. Now NOK 2000 + VAT.

Are you interested in being a Vannstein dealer?

Most people today want to do what they can to reduce climate emissions and make sustainable choices.

By representing our solution, you help to reduce heavy fossil fuel transport, give customers the opportunity to choose an innovative design based on recycled materials, and recycle rainwater for trouble-free burial.


Do you have other thoughts or ideas about how we can work together? Do not hesitate to contact.

Get in touch with us

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Skjøttelvikveien 4A, HOLMSBU, Norway
Phone number

+47 90209924

